• Welcome to the new B.I.R.D. Forum. Please be sure to read the "New Member / New Registered ? Please Read" thread in the Coffee Shop. This contains some important information. To become a full member ( £5.90 a year ) simply click on your user name near the top on the right I hope you enjoy the new site ................ Jaws ( John )

''HELP'', French translation


Registered User
I gather this has summa't to do with a ride out, but "WHAT " :dunno: I an't got a clue.

What ever it say's if you can join them "you wont be disappointed"
as they are a top gang of folks :beer:

Bonjour ? tous.

Comme annonc? dans le titre, le 3?me rassemblement officiel du Super Blackbird Club de France se d?roulera le we du 24/25 juin 2006.
La destination n'est pas encore arr?t?e, c'est vous qui la choisissez en v?tant parmi toutes les destinations propos?es (v?tent par r?ponse au mail ou sur le forum du site):
- L'ouest avec Le Poitou Charente (La mer ou les terres........on a le choix avec 4 d?partements tous plus beaux les uns que les autres.)

- Le centre avec L'Auvergne (Toujours le m?me souhait d'une destination centrale pour que tout le monde puisse nous rejoindre sans avoir le territoire ? traverser.)

- L'est avec la Franche comt? (Les montagnes, les beaux paysages, le crapaud dans la bouteille, Heidi...........et j'en passe.)

- Le sud avec La Provence Alpes C?tes d'azur (Soleil garanti, virolos en veux tu en voila et pastagas de rigeur)

Fin d?cembre, les v?tes seront clotur?s. D'ici l?, membres du SBCF j'attends toutes vos r?ponses.
D'avance merci.
Bonne route ? tous.



Hi John,
roughly this, with the odd error no doubt.


Hello to all.

As announced in the title, the 3rd official gathering of the Great Blackbird Club France will unfold itself the we of the 24/25 June 2006. The destination again is not stopped, this is you that choose it in v?tant among all the proposed destinations (v?tent by response to mall or on the forum of the site) : - THE WEST with The Poitou Charente (The sea or the earths. .......on has the choice with 4 departments all more beautiful ones them a than the

- The center with THE auvergne (Always it same wish of a central destination for that everyone can rejoin us without having the territory to cross.)

- THE EAST with the Frank county (The mountains, the beautiful landscapes, the toad in the bottle, Heidi. ..........et I some pass.)

- The south with The Provence Alpes Coasts azure (guaranteed Sun, virolos in wants you in voila and pastagas of rigeur)

At the end of December, the v?tes will be clotur?s. Of here there, members of the SBCF I await all your responses. In advance thank-you. Good road to all.



Yes I got the toad in the bottle too!!! I expect that will be 'colloquial' then eh? perhaps Pierre will enlighten us at some stage?

So where you going to vote for then Silverone?

We've never been to Franche-Comte (that's the Jura, Doubs and Haute Saone, halfway down the 'right hand side' snuggling up against the Swiss border) They have some mountain stages of the Tour de France round that region, I've seen some of it on TV - Stuey and Laine - didn't you go somewhere round that region this summer?

The Auvergne is smack in the middle with rivers, big hills, river gorges and some cracking roads, there is at least one road we've been along that Pete wanted to ride again and again! Poitou-Charante would be the nearest for us Ros-bifs (roughly from just above La Rochelle to just above Bordeaux in to Poitiers down to Angouleme - ish) and the Provence Alpes is the bit inland from Nice / Grasse etc, Digne les Bains area - and where the Gorge du Verdon is. Oh and wall to wall scenery (as usual - yawn LOL)

The date's a bugger as we have to take the cancelled Speedferries crossing from this year within twleve months of cancelling it, so that's May the something!

(As long as they don't have it just outside Paris where the riots were/are - where we accidentally detoured on the way to Chateaudun this August (don't ask - it had a really nice name Bois de somewhere (or somewhere de Bois) so it sounded OK, honestly!)



Translation is good, nothing to add! :yo: And yes, they're a good bunch :bow:


Registered User
This one I think

trophychap said:
So where you going to vote for then Silverone?
the Provence Alpes is the bit inland from Nice / Grasse etc, Digne les Bains area - and where the Gorge du Verdon is. Oh and wall to wall scenery (as usual - yawn LOL)Jen

Yes we done it a few times as well, but you can't knock it "Jen".
Sun, sun and sun, and best of all the company. If we do go (where ever it is) we will stop on for the rest of the week and make a holiday out of it as there is no point in traveling that far + the expence, just to go straight home after the bash.

Anyone ells tempted?

2005 French Bash


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Registered User
So Here, It Is, The In'fo (we been waiting for)

3?me Rassemblement Super Blackbird Club de France

Week-end du vendredi 23 au dimanche 25 juin 2006

Apr?s la Dordogne en 2004 (50 participants), le Massif Central en 2005 (115 motards) c?est maintenant dans l?ouest et plus pr?cis?ment dans le Poitou Charentes ? St Palais sur Mer que cette ann?e tous les Birdistes and co du SBCF ont rendez vous.

Cette ann?e donc, c?est ? coquillages et crustac?s? ?

Les dates
D?but le vendredi 23 apr?s midi avec l?arriv?e des premiers membres.
Fin du week-end le dimanche 25 juin 2006.
Il est possible d'arriver quelques jours avant.
Les tarifs n?goci?s du week-end pour le club s'appliquent aussi les quelques jours qui pr?c?dent le 23 et la semaine d?apr?s (Pour plus d?info voir dans la rubrique tarif).

Le lieu

St Palais sur mer en Charente maritime (17).

517 km de Paris / 330km de Rennes / 130 de Bordeaux / 75km de la Rochelle / 8km de Royan

A10 Paris-Bordeaux (sortie 35 : Saintes) puis Saintes - St-Palais 40 km
A10 Bordeaux-Paris (sortie 37 : Mirambeau) puis Mirambeau - St-Palais 60 km

Pour plus d?informations :

Le centre de vacances Louis Gaston Roussillat nous accueille cette ann?e dans ses murs.

73 avenue de la grande c?te 17420 St Palais sur mer Tel : 05 46 23 20 24


Situ? ? 80 m de la plage et 800 du centre ville.
Capacit? 200 lits, Piscine, Bar, stationnement s?curis? pour les motos, etc?.

Le programme :
Une grande part d?improvisation, du soleil, de la bonne humeur et tout est r?uni pour un week-end de f?te. En r?sum? voil? dans les grandes lignes comment se d?roulera le week-end.
Vendredi 23 : Arriv?e / installation des motards Apr?s midi libre / Causerie / Balade / Piscine Repas et soir?e au centre.
Samedi 24 : P?tit d?jeuner D?part pour une balade (environ 150km) Repas du midi sur l??le d?OL?ron Apr?s midi balade / plage. Repas festif et soir?e au centre.
Dimanche 25 : Photos, piscine?. Repas du midi au centre Premier d?part?
Le programme et road books du samedi sont en cours de r?alisation, le jour m?me on vous en dira plus.
Le centre est un lieu de vacances o? pas mal de groupes (souvent d?enfants) s?journent ce qui expliquent l?h?bergement en collectif et les lits simples??superpos?s. Ca va nous rappeler le temps des colos.
2 choix s?offrent ? vous :
- 10 Studios (9 de 4 lits et 1 de 3 lits). Sanitaires privatifs par studio.
- Chambr?es (1 de 2pers / 2 de 3pers / 6 de 4pers / 3 de 6pers / 1 de 7pers / 6 de 8pers). Sanitaires de groupe.
A chacun de pr?voir ses draps ou sac de couchage.
Je g?rerai personnellement la r?partition. Les premiers inscrits seront les premiers servis. R?guli?rement sur le forum je vous informerai des places disponibles. Si erreur ou modifications de l?h?bergement, toutes les r?gularisations ou remboursements seront faits sur place.

Les repas

Au centre

Les repas pr?vus par le centre sont ceux :
- du vendredi 23 soir
- samedi 24 soir (repas festif : Fruits de mer, Pineau des Charente, etc?..)
- dimanche 25 midi

Ils comprennent :
- ap?ritif
- repas
- ? de vin
- caf?

Les boissons au bar hors des repas ne sont pas inclus.
Les autres (vendredi midi et dimanche soir) ne sont pas pris en charge. Si besoin, possibilit? de voir sur place.

Restaurant du samedi midi

Nous sommes attendus ? St Pierre d?Ol?ron, au centre de l??le.
Au menu :
- Cocktail de l??le en ap?ritif
- Salade de saumon fum?
- Moules charentaise (sauce au pineau des charentais) frites
- Assiette de fromage sur lit de salade
- Bol?ro au cacao

Vin (blanc, ros?, rouge) et caf? compris

Prix par personne = 20 ? payable sur place

Possibilit? d?un plat de substitution si les moules ne conviennent pas (le pr?ciser dans l?inscription).

Les tarifs

Le tarif n?goci? en demi pension pour l??v?nement est aussi valable 2 ou 3 jours avant et apr?s la concentre.

Vendredi 23 juin

En studio
Tarif demi pension (1 repas + nuit + petit dej lendemain) : 29? / pers

En chambr?e
Tarif demi pension (1 repas + nuit + petit dej lendemain) : 28? / pers

Samedi 24 juin

En studio
Tarif demi pension (1 repas festif + nuit + petit dej lendemain) : 39? / pers

En chambr?e
Tarif demi pension (1 repas festif + nuit + petit dej lendemain) : 38? / pers

Dimanche 25 juin

Repas du dimanche midi : 10? / pers

Si nuit au centre sans repas : 25? / pers
Pour tout repas ou nuit suppl?mentaires au centre, contacter directement le centre en pr?cisant les dates.

Le tarif du repas du samedi midi en balade est fix? ? 20? / pers.

Soit un total pour les 3 jours / personne (tout compris) 98? en studio ou 96? en chambr?e.

Pour inscriptions et informations
Avant le 01 juin Merci de remplir le bulletin d?inscription en ligne et de renvoyer ce m?me document accompagn? de votre r?glement ? l'adresse ci-dessous
Bruno Gallerand
4 avenue Louis Cordelet
72000 LE MANS
Pour toutes informations, vous pouvez contacter :
Nono : 06 03 10 61 48 bgallerand@wanadoo.fr
Mr Saudrais, Directeur du centre : 05 46 23 20 24 ufoval-stpalais@wanadoo.fr

3?me Rassemblement Super Blackbird Club de France
Week-end du vendredi 23 au dimanche 25 juin 2006
L?inscription d?finitive ? cette concentration sera valid?e lorsque :
? le document qui suit sera d?ment rempli
? qu?il sera compl?t? avec un ch?que ? l?ordre de CENTRE DE VACANCES FOL 23 et renvoyer ?
Bruno Gallerand
4 avenue Louis Cordelet
72000 LE MANS

Le ch?que ne sera encaiss? que le week-end du 24/25 juin pass?.
Aucune remboursement ne sera pris en compte apr?s cette date en raison des engagements pris aupr?s du centre.

H?bergement Studio ou H?bergement chambr?e
Demi pension vendredi 23 Repas soir + Nuit + petit dej 29,00 ? 28,00 ?
Demi pension samedi 24 Repas soir festif + Nuit + petit dej 39,00 ? 38,00 ?
Repas dimanche 25 midi 10,00 ? 10,00 ?

Nuit sans repas 25,00 ? 25,00 ?

Nombre de personne(s) X??? X??.


Je r?gle la somme de [??.???..] ? par ch?que, libell? ? l'ordre du Centre de vacances FOL 23
(A pr?voir en plus (payable le jour m?me) le repas du samedi midi en balade 20?/pers).
Un menu ? fruits de mer ? me convient et il ne sera pas n?cessaire de pr?voir autre chose
q OUI q NON (je pr?f?re un autre plat)
" J'ai conscience que cette concentration n'est couverte par aucune assurance sp?cifique. Je dois donc ?tre assur? personnellement ainsi que mon v?hicule ; je pourrai pr?senter une assurance en cours de
validit?. Les balades se faisant sur route ouverte ? la circulation, je m'engage ? respecter le Code de la Route et ? faire preuve de prudence durant toute la dur?e de la manifestation.
Je d?charge l? organisateur Bruno Gallerand de toute responsabilit? en cas d'accident ou d'incident survenant au cours de cette concentration ".

Fait ? : ??????????????.
le : ?.. / ?? / 2005
Signature(s) des inscrits pr?c?d?e de la mention manuscrite " Lu et approuv? ".

So wot's that all about then? :eek: :dunno: :dunno: ''HELP''


MAN on the PAN
3rd Gathering Super Blackbird Club of France POITOU CHARENTES 2006 Weekend of Friday 23 at Sunday June 25, 2006 After the Dordogne in 2004 (50 participants), the Central Solid mass in 2005 (115 motorcyclists) it is now in the west and more precisely in Poitou Charentes with St Palate on Sea than this year all Birdistes and Co of the SBCF have return. This year thus, they is "shells and shellfish..." The dates Beginning Friday 23 after midday with the arrival of the first members. End of the weekend Sunday June 25, 2006. It is possible to arrive a few front days. The negotiated tariffs of the weekend for the club apply also the few days which precede the 23 and the week according to (For more information to see in the heading tariff). The place St Palate on sea in maritime Charente (17). 517 km of Paris/330km of Rennes/130 of Bordeaux/75km of the Small rock/8km of Royan A10 Paris-Bordeaux (left 35: Holy) then Holy - St-Palate 40 km A10 Bordeaux-Paris (left 37: Mirambeau) then Mirambeau - St-Palate 60 km For more information: http://www.saint-palate-on-mer.com http://www.bernezac.com/StPalais_general.htm The center of holidays Louis Gaston Roussillat accomodates us this year in its walls. 73 avenue of large coast 17420 St Palate on sea Such: 05 46 23 20 24 http://www.ufoval-stpalais.org/index.html Located at 80 m from the beach and 800 of the centre town. Capacity 200 beds, Swimming pool, Bar, parking made safe for the motor bikes, etc.... The program: A great part of improvisation, sun, good mood and all are joined together for one weekend of festival. In short here in the broad outline how will be held the weekend. Friday 23: Arrival/installation of the motorcyclists After free midday/Talk/Strolls/Piscine Meal and evening in the center. Saturday 24: P' tit to lunch D?part for one trotts (approximately 150km) Meal of midday on the island of OL?ron After midday strolls/beach. Festive meal and evening in the center. Sunday 25: Photographs, swimming pool.... Meal of midday in the center First departure... The program and road books of Saturday are under development, the very same day one will say some to you more. Lodging the center is a holiday place when not badly of groups (often of children) remain what explain lodging in collective and the simple beds...... superimposed. Ca will point out the time of the colos to us. 2 choices are offered to you: - 10 Studios (9 of 4 beds and 1 of 3 beds). Medical privative by studio. - Barrack rooms (1 of 2pers/2 of 3pers/6 of 4pers/3 of 6pers/1 of 7pers/6 of 8pers). Medical of group. With each one to envisage its cloths or bag of bed. I will g?rerai the distribution personally. The first registered voters will be the been useful first. Regularly on the forum I will inform you of the places available. If error or modifications of lodging, all the regularizations or refundings will be made on the spot. Meals In the center The meals envisaged by the center are those: - Friday 23 evening - Saturday 24 evening (festive meal: Seafood, Pineau of Charente, etc.....) - Sunday 25 midday They include/understand: - aperitif - meal - wine ? - coffee The drinks with the bar out of the meal are not included. The others (Friday midday and Sunday evening) are not dealt with. If need be, possibility of seeing on the spot. Restaurant of Saturday midday We are awaited St Pierre d' Ol?ron, in the center of the island. With the menu: - Cocktail of the aperitif island - smoked salmon Salad - Mussels Charente-native (sauce with the pineau of the residents of Charente) fried - cheese Plate on salad bed - Bolero with the cocoa Wine (white, rosy, red) and coffee included/understood Price by anybody = 20? payable on the spot Possibility of a dish of substitution if the moulds are not appropriate (to specify it in the inscription). Tariffs The tariff negotiated in half pension for the event is also valid 2 or 3 days before and after concentrates. Friday June 23 In studio half Tariff pension (1 meal + night + small dej following day): 29? / sea-green In barrack room half Tariff pension (1 meal + night + small dej following day): 28? / sea-green Saturday June 24 In studio half Tariff pension (1 festive meal + night + small dej following day): 39? / sea-green In barrack room half Tariff pension (1 festive meal + night + small dej following day): 38? / sea-green Sunday June 25 Meal of Sunday midday: 10? / sea-green If night in the center without meal: 25? / sea-green For any meal or harms additional the center, to contact the center directly by specifying the dates. Does the tariff of the meal of Saturday midday stroll some is fixed at 20? / sea-green. That is to say a total for the 3 days/nobody (very included/understood) 98? in studio or 96? in barrack room. For inscriptions and information Before 01 June Thank you to fill the bulletin with inscription on line and to refer this same document accompanied by your payment to the address below Bruno Gallerand 4 avenue Louis Cordelet the 72000 MANS For all information, you can contact: Nono: 06 03 10 61 48 bgallerand@wanadoo.fr Mr. Saudrais, Director of the center: 05 46 23 20 24 ufoval-stpalais@wanadoo.fr 3rd Gathering Super Blackbird Club of France Weekend of Friday 23 at Sunday June 25, 2006 BULLETIN Of INSCRIPTION TO BE PRINTED AND RETURN FILLED the final inscription to this concentration will be validated when: ? the document which follows will be duly filled ? that it will be supplemented with an order check of CENTER OF HOLIDAYS FOL 23 and to return to Bruno Gallerand 4 avenue Louis Cordelet the 72000 MANS The cheque will be cashed only the weekend of last 24/25 June. No refunding will be taken into account after this date because of the commitments entered into near the center. Lodging Studio or Lodging barrack room Half pension Friday 23 Meal evening + Nuit + small dej 29,00? 28,00? Half pension Saturday 24 Meals festive evening + Nuit + small dej 39,00? 38,00? Meal Sunday 25 midday 10,00? 10,00? Harms without meal 25,00? 25,00? A number of people X......... X....... TOTAL I regulate the sum of [.................. ]? by cheque, the wording with the order of the Center of holidays FOL 23 (to be envisaged in more (payable the very same day) the meal of Saturday midday 20?/pers strolls some). Small "a seafood" is appropriate to me and it will not be necessary to envisage another thing Q YES Q NOT (I prefer another dish)"I am aware that this concentration is covered by no specific insurance. I must thus be personally assured like my vehicle; I will be able to present a valid insurance. Stroll being done on road open to circulation, I commit myself to respect the Highway code and being careful lasting all the duration of the demonstration. I discharge the organizer Bruno Gallerand from any responsibility in the event of accident or incident occurring during this concentration ". Fact with: ........................................... it: ...../....../2005 Signatures of the registered voters preceded by the handwritten mention "Lu and approval".